
Why you Should Only Trust Poker Apps that are Gaming Lab Certified

3 Mins read

Only platforms that have proven to have a solid network infrastructure, transparent and secure services and a 100% honest rules and rewards scheme, avoiding unfair practices towards consumers, are awarded this seal.

It is proof that the platform has everything necessary to satisfy the entertainment and leisure needs of its users, with no other claim than to offer genuine entertainment without compromising the integrity of network users, their funds and their data.

“Gaming Lab Certified”, the golden seal to which every online platform aspires

Security is a priority when it comes to the performance of any online activity, but when it comes to personal data, banking and account creations that can allow players to enjoy a game like poker, with all that that entails, it means that it is necessary to certify in some way that everything is in place to avoid security breaches and offer users a fast and efficient service, from an operational and security point of view.

Security experts have agreed that any platform that currently offers gaming services and wants to promote its growth and consolidation must work tirelessly to offer all the guarantees that users are looking for, given that for them it is a priority to be able to enjoy their favorite hobby without having to worry about anything other than the game.

This guarantee is offered by the Gaming Lab Certified seal, an icon that has become the maximum exponent of excellence in the gaming sector. A certificate to which all platforms offering this type of service aspire and which allows them to certify that their platform has everything it takes to keep their clients’ funds and data safe.

“Security issues are nowadays critical, and it is essential to be able to offer users a guarantee that their information, as well as their money, will not be exposed when they are connected to the portal,” explain the cybersecurity experts. “To offer this guarantee, the Gaming Lab Certified seal was created, which cannot be obtained unless a series of demanding requirements are met to prove that one is worthy of having this certificate,” they add.

Having the Gaming Lab seal is essential and can help to consolidate a firm in a sector as competitive as online gaming. PokerHub, now one of the leading poker platforms in the industry, can attest to this. Its growth was consolidated by advances on multiple fronts, including security, which was rewarded with the Gaming Lab Certified seal, boosting registrations and helping to establish the platform as a major player in the industry.

The importance of credibility in the digital sphere

Trust is a tricky thing, but in the digital realm it is even more critical. That’s why working towards security to give internet users the confidence they deserve when enjoying online poker is so important. This is something that experts agree on and continue to work on today.

“The Gaming Lab Certified mark provides credibility and prestige almost immediately, as it represents the passing of stringent requirements, which has a very positive impact on the user,” explain the industry professionals. “This means that when a user enters PokerHub, which has the Gaming Lab Certified seal, a very strong message is sent: there is no need to look any further, because the safest platform is right in front of them,” they explain.

That’s why the seal is so hard to get. It is precisely what makes platforms like PokerHub so attractive, as they not only focus on entertainment and quality gaming, but also on providing a whole network of security tools to the platform so that security loopholes are either non-existent or can be identified and addressed.

“It is a fact that users who visit a platform and see the seal know what it means and what it implies, increasing trust in the website or application, and creating a bond that can lead to total loyalty,” the experts explain. “If the customer finds a place on the web that offers them everything they are looking for and does it in the safest way, they are likely to be increasingly reluctant to change, and that can be very beneficial for both businesses and consumers,” they add.

About the Gaming Lab Certified label

The Gaming Lab Certified label is very carefully managed. Everything is studied and monitored, under total control so that the seal only ends up on platforms that truly meet the requirements of security and functionality. 

Cases such as PokerHub are a milestone, young platforms that have grown very firmly established in the sector and that have been able to identify from the outset what the market demanded of them.

“It is surprising when, as in this case, there is a platform that may not be as well-known as the great global exponents of the game, but that significantly increases its traffic volume and offers many more guarantees than other platforms, as it means that behind it there is a competent team that is attentive to new security requirements and the latest gaming trends, bringing them together under the same roof to result in a complete platform that offers the user all the guarantees”, say the online security professionals.

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